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Asked by: Fineas Garciarena
home and garden home entertainingCan you connect a microphone to a speaker?
Correspondingly, can I connect mic to Bluetooth speaker?
Bluetooth speaker works in digital protocol. So,you can not connect microphone directly into aBluetooth base audio amplifier system.
Beside this, can a microphone be used as a speaker?
Although they look very different, speakers andmicrophones use the very same principle and components toturn electrical signals into sound and back again. A speakercone can act like a giant microphone diaphragm, andwhen connected to a recording device or amplifier can beused to capture sound.
The Auxiliary input is designed for an amplifiedsignal such as what is output from a smartphone headphone output.In order to use a microphone with the Aux input, itwould need to be used with a microphone preamplifier beforethe signal gets to the Livemix Aux in.