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Asked by: Sofka Dobrotin
hobbies and interests jewelry makingCan you cook clay in a regular oven?
Accordingly, how long do you put clay in the oven for?
It's important to understand how you bake clay intheoven accurately. For Original Sculpey, preheat to 275degrees F(135 C). Bake for 15 minutes per quarter inch ofthickness.For example, a piece of 1/2" thickness should becured for30 minutes.
Similarly, it is asked, can you dry clay in the oven?
While it may be tempting to think that clay canbefired in a regular oven, oven-dried claywillnot perform like kiln-fired clay. There areclays madefor oven drying, but they cannot be usedas dishes or nearwater.
To test the curing, try pressing the tip ofyourfingernail into the bottom of your piece after it has cooled;itwill leave a mark but will not actually enter the clay.ForPremo! Sculpey, preheat to 275 degrees F (135 C). Bakefor30 minutes per quarter inch of thickness.