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Asked by: Arkadi Pedrotti
technology and computing smartphonesCan you create a second Snapchat account?
Also to know is, can you have 2 Snapchat accounts with the same phone number?
One is able to use the same numberfor more than one Snapchat account, yes, but only the mostrecent account will have that number listed inSettings, and can use the “Friend Finder”feature. Only one email can be used per Snapchataccount, however. (I have verified this in twodifferent Snapchat accounts.)
- First, you'll need to download the Snapchat app for iOS orAndroid.
- Open the Snapchat app.
- Tap 'Sign Up' to create a new account.
- Enter your name and date of birth.
- Create a username.
- Make a secure password that will be easy to remember.
Also to know, can you have 2 Snapchat accounts with the same number iPhone?
Have 2 Snapchat Accounts on 1 iPhone viaParallel Space You can also use another app to clone theSnapchat app on your device so you can have two Snapchataccounts on the same iPhone. Tap on the Snapchatapp and the Parallel Space will clone anotherSnapchat app, allowing you to create and use asecondary account.
- Download and install Parallel Space application from GooglePlay Store.
- In case, you do not have Snapchat app preinstalled on yourAndroid, it is important you download and install the app fromGoogle Play Store.
- Once done, launch the Parallel Space app on your smartphone andwait for it to load properly.