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Asked by: Ausencia Berlinches
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you cut laminate countertops with a jigsaw?
Furthermore, how can I cut laminate countertop without chipping?
The Best Way to Cut a Countertop WithoutChippingIt
- Lay masking tape around the general area where the hole needstobe cut in the countertop.
- Mark the location where you plan to cut the countertop withapencil over the masking tape.
- Measure a diagonal line inward from each corner of whereyouintend to cut the countertop.
- Drill two starter holes in opposite corners just insidethecutting line. Use a 3/4-inch spade bit and drill throughthelaminate and substrate.
- Place the blade of the jigsaw in the starter hole and lineupthe blade exactly on the cutting line.
- Cut slowly along the line.
Considering this, what is the best tool for cutting worktops?
The best tool for the job, which isalmostimpossible to do without, is a circular saw. As long as thebladeis suitable for fine cuts and sharp then it shallcutthrough laminated chipboard or hardwood kitchenworktopslike a hot knife through butter.
Normally, the backsplash is cut beforeitis installed. Before installation, you can setthelaminate piece on two sawhorses for cutting. Ifthelaminate is already installed, you canstillcut it down but the wall texture underneath thelaminatewill probably need to be refinishedafterwards.