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Asked by: Allison Mourosso
medical health bone and joint conditionsCan you cut someone with your elbow?
Accordingly, do punches hurt more than elbows?
Elbows can be used at times whenpunchesare impractical. This is due to two reason: firstelbows areclose-range strikes, while punches (withthe exception ofhook punches) are medium range, and second,because anelbow can be thrown in moredirections.
can you throw elbows in boxing?
A violation of the following rules is considered afoul,and can result in a warning, point deduction,ordisqualification by the referee: You cannot hit belowthebelt, hold, trip, kick, headbutt, wrestle, bite, spit on, orpushyour opponent. You cannot hit with your head,shoulder,forearm, or elbow.
You cannot force your way to the body withspeedand power. And unlike head punches, opponents can blockyourbody shots with their elbows causing you lots of painandeven breaking your hands. You have to fire body shots attheright time for them to land.