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Asked by: Chiquita Lupenko
home and garden indoor environmental qualityCan you double glaze existing Aluminium Windows?
Also, is retrofitting double glazing worth it?
It is worth considering retrofitting double glazing by replacing existing windows with double glazed ones, or by choosing another option such as fitting secondary glazing to existing windows. You don't need to replace all windows at once – or even every window. Window and door frames has more information.
Keeping this in view, how much does it cost to double glaze windows?
Typically, double glazed units won't fit into existing windows which are designed for single panes, so instead the whole frame is replaced entirely. As an estimate, it costs around $800 – $1500 per square metre. What factors affect double glazed window prices?
Reduces heat loss through the windows improving energy efficiency and helps lower heating bills. Traps more heat and makes your home warmer and cosy. Improves security as triple glazing windows is stronger than double glazing. Triple glazing is more expensive than double glazing.