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Asked by: Vi Dunkelberger
hobbies and interests paranormal phenomenaCan you download sims 4 for free?
Keeping this in consideration, is The Sims 4 Free 2019?
The Sims 4 is free to download fromEAOrigin today on PC and Mac but the deal won't be around forever.Aspart of a new promotion, EA is giving away free downloadsofThe Sims 4 in May 2019. According to theofficialSims Twitter account, The Sims 4 is afreedownload from Origin until May 28.
Consequently, is Sims 4 free forever?
You can download the game for free until May28and keep playing it forever. And the game isn't atrialversion. Players will be able to continue to play The Sims4forever as long as they grab it before May 28.
Yes. Youwillneed the Origin™ client and an EA Accounttoinstall and register The Sims 4. Once installed,youdon't need to be online toplay.