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Asked by: Bernabe Barrutia
business and finance job marketCan you draw unemployment if you get fired in Tennessee?
Similarly, it is asked, how long do you have to work in Tennessee to draw unemployment?
In order to qualify for this benefit program,youmust have worked in Tennessee during thepast 12 to18 months and have earned at least a minimumamount of wagesas determined by our guidelines. You mustalso be able towork and available for work each weekthat youare collecting benefits.
Also know, can you draw unemployment after being fired?
You may be eligible forunemploymentbenefits after being fired; it depends onyour state's lawand on why you lost your job. Applicantswill not beeligible for unemployment benefits ifthey were firedfor serious misconduct relating to the job.States vary in howthey define misconduct,however.
The first, unemployment insurance, is availabletoworkers of all ages who meet the program's criteria. Thesecond,Social Security, is limited to those who are 62 andolder.And if you're eligible for both options, here's somegoodnews: You can collect Social Security andunemployment atthe same time.