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Asked by: Kiley Greef
automotive auto insuranceCan you drive by yourself with a segment 2 permit?
Beside this, can you drive with a segment 2?
n Your teen is still driving with their Level 1 Learners License when taking the Segment 2 course, so they must be accompanied by a licensed par- ent, licensed legal guardian or designated licensed adult age 21 or older when driving to or from the course.
Also Know, can I drive with a permit by myself?
With your learner's permit, you are not allowed to drive by yourself. In fact, you must have someone in your car who is at least 21-years-old and has a valid driver's license. In addition, this person must be legally allowed to operate the type of vehicle you are driving.
Level 2 Intermediate License Restrictions driving to or from or in the course of employment; driving to or from an authorized activity; or. accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or a licensed driver 21 years of age or older designated by the parent or legal guardian.