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Asked by: Xicotencatl Hoppenrath
hobbies and interests stamps and coinsCan you earn Eagle Palms after 18?
Simply so, can you become an Eagle Scout after 18?
Men age 18 and older, properly approved by thecouncil executive board to register beyond the age of eligibility,may apply for the Eagle Scout rank. In these cases,you don't need special permission to hold the EagleScout board of review more than three months after the18th birthday.
Regarding this, how do you earn Eagle Palms?
How to earn an Eagle palm
- Step 1: Become an Eagle Scout.
- Step 2: Earn more merit badges.
- Step 3: Remain active in troop and patrol for threemonths.
- Step 4: Complete a Scoutmaster conference and board ofreview.
- Step 5: Repeat with more merit badges, more months oftenure.
- Step 6: Wear the right palm (or palms)
The Eagle Scout rank requires that youearn 21 of the 137 current Merit Badges. You cancontinue to earn Merit badges and Eagle Palms untilyour 18th birthday. Currently the maximum number of EaglePalms you can earn is 23, worn as seven silverpalms and one gold palm (silver is "higher" thangold).