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Asked by: Robel Kirschstein
food and drink food allergiesCan you eat eggs past the best by date?
Likewise, can you eat eggs past the use by date?
Some egg cartons have sell-by datesonthem, while others have expiration dates. Neither shouldberegarded as an indication of when the eggs are nolongersafe to use. Both the Food and DrugAdministrationand Egg Safety Center agree that eggsare usuallygood for several weeks past thestampeddate.
Also, can you eat eggs 2 months after expiration date?
It is often noted that eggs are still goodtoeat long after the expiration date.“Theshelf life of an unrefrigerated egg is 7to 10days and for refrigerated egg it's about 30to 45days,” notes Dr Batra. But that doesn't meanyou canpop a 2-month old egg for aquickomelet.
According to the United States Food Safety andInspectionService, part of the USDA, which has also answered thequestion“do eggs go bad?,” refrigerated eggscanstill be refrigerated 4-5 weeks after theirexpiration date– so for fresh but refrigerated days,they can last upto 2 months inside therefrigerator.