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Likewise, people ask, is it safe to eat goose?
With the right knowledge and observation, expertsmaintain waterfowl is perfectly safe to eat, but thegovernment generally chooses to sidestep any and all potential formass food poisoning by avoiding sanctioning goose meataltogether.
Correspondingly, what does a goose taste like?
Goose meat is dark, and can be tough chewy and/orquite fatty. In general, much like duck or an old, old freerange gamey chicken thigh/leg. Goose to be prepared well andtaste great depends upon an assessment of the individualbird, and the tailoring of culinary techniques applied to thatspecific bird.
Salmonella can be especially devastating anddeadly among such people. In fact, you probably want to keepchickens, ducks and geese outside your house, because youcan't really control where they go. Eggs can transmitSalmonella too.