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Asked by: Dorcas Merin
food and drink healthy cooking and eatingCan you eat kale stems in smoothies?
Just so, is it OK to put raw kale in a smoothie?
Thetruth is that both spinach and kale are very healthy foryou. Unfortunately, it really needs to be steamed before it'seaten. Steaming or cooking deactivates the oxalic acid content thatthey have, making them more nutritious.
can you eat stems of kale?
First things first: Kale and collard stemsare tough, chewy, and fibrous. While we enjoy the occasional rawcollard or kale salad, you should never eatthe stems raw. Otherwise, the exteriors will burnbefore the stems have cooked through, making them bothbitter and too tough to chew.
Cavolo nero is curly kale's tall, dark Italiancousin. Cavolo nero is incredibly versatile and canbe boiled, stir-fried, steamed or massaged in dressing and eatenraw. The best way to prepare it is to remove the central stem andshred the leaves. As the core is generally quite tough, it's bestnot to eat that.