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Asked by: Florina Berezutzky
food and drink food allergiesCan you eat leeks with allium leaf miner?
Also asked, what is eating my leeks?
This is a caterpillar of one of the dart moths, probably the heart and dart moth or garden dart moth. These will burrow into the soil soon and pupate there until Spring. The moth will emarge and lay its eggs in the soil.
Similarly, you may ask, can you eat leeks with rust?
Leeks, garlic and onions affected by rust are still perfectly edible because it's the bulb part you eat and not the green leaves. Chives are different because it's the leaves which are consumed and aside from the rather unsightly appearance that rust gives them it may not be good for you to eat the affected leaves.
Rotate your crops regularly to prevent build up of leek rust spores in the soil, and consider planting some of the more rust-resistant varieties of leek like 'Autumn Giant' or 'Porbella'. Prevent leek rust by providing optimal growing conditions, and if you do spot it, destroy affected leaves immediately.