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Asked by: Ilie Bakadorov
home and garden home improvementCan you eat strawberries with powdery mildew?
Likewise, how do you treat powdery mildew on strawberries?
To control powdery mildew, apply fungicides at the first sign of disease, that is leaf distortion and discoloration. Under high tunnels, targetted, intermittent brief applications of overhead irrigation may help prevent the spread of this disease but need to be weighed up against the risk of increasing Botrytis.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you eat fruit with powdery mildew?
Generally speaking, powdery mildew is not dangerous to humans, in the sense of being poisonous. However, some people may be especially allergic to mold, and could have a reaction to it. If there is any mold on the fruit, you should be able to wash it off with no bad effects.
Powdery mildew is unsightly. Severe infestations damage plants. It can't infect humans and won't hurt you if you touch it. While it is not directly harmful to humans, it does harm to potential food sources.