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Asked by: Mouhssin Haennel
healthy living womens healthCan you feel a diaphragm during intercourse?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how do you know if your diaphragm is in properly?
When inserting a diaphragm, push it as farup and back into your vagina as you can, and make sure to coveryour cervix. You'll know the diaphragm is in correctlyif you can't feel it. If it's uncomfortable, thediaphragm may be the wrong size, or not inserted quiteright.
In respect to this, how long should a diaphragm be left in after intercourse?
six hours
Always leave your diaphragm in place forat least 6 hours after the last time you had sex — butdon't leave it in for more than 24 hours. If you havesex again, leave your diaphragm in but put a new doseof spermicide into your vagina.