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Asked by: Lledo Lekuona
style and fashion fashion trendsCan you find out who reported you on Instagram?
Also asked, can you find out who owns an Instagram account?
There is no way to determine who owns theaccount without filing a suit. Instagram, facebook,and twitter are all very protective of their client's privacy.Absent a court order for them to disclose the owner you willnot be able to find out.
Consequently, what happens if someone reports you on Instagram?
If you see any behaviour that you thinkdoesn't belong on Instagram, always feel free toreport them. Your report will be sent to a member ofInstagram's team in which they will investigate youraccount. Your name is kept anonymous and the user youreported won't know that you were the one whoreported the account.
Sadly, Instagram does not currently allowyou to retract a report. You cannot'un-report' an account.