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Asked by: Benaissa Kuntz
home and garden home appliancesCan you fix a chip in granite countertops?
Similarly, it is asked, can you repair a chip in granite countertop?
That being said, most small chips and crackscan be repaired in a few easy steps. The method belowwill work for any stone, including granite, marble,and quartz. 1. Clean the area around the chip with anammonia-based cleaner and dry thoroughly.
Similarly, it is asked, what do you do with a chipped granite countertop?
Make sure the area around the chip isclean and dry. To clean the area, you may use acetone or nailpolish remover. If the chip caused the area in and aroundthe chip to lighten, feel free to darken it with adark-colored Sharpie. A Sharpie is permanent and driesquickly.
Spread the epoxy into the chip with a craft stickuntil the top is level with the counter. Wait a few minutes for theepoxy to begin to dry, then use a razor blade to smooth over thesurface and make it flush with the surrounding laminate. Cover theepoxy with an oil-based paint if the repair is veryobvious.