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Asked by: Ciriaca Stahlschmidt
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you fix seized white chocolate?
In this regard, why did my melted chocolate turn white?
The white color is because the cocoabutteris separating from the cocoa fiber over time andcausing "fatbloom" which is a whitish or gray swirl inthechocolate. Fat Bloom is the result of nottemperingyour chocolate after melting to realign thecocoabutter with the cocoa fiber.
Beside this, what does it mean when chocolate seizes?
Seizing occurs when moisture is addedtochocolate. It makes your smoothmeltedchocolate turn into a pasty mess. Chocolate ismadeup of fat and dry ingredients. This means that evenwhenchocolate is in its liquid state, it is still adryproduct.
That white discoloration that sometimes formsonold chocolate turns the stomachs of chocolateloverseverywhere. For years, researchers have known that theharmlesschange, known as a fat bloom, is caused by liquid fat suchas cocoabutter migrating through the chocolate andcrystalizing onthe candy's surface.