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Asked by: Abdelkarin Sayas
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you freeze a cake with Mirror Glaze?
Furthermore, can you keep a mirror glaze cake in the fridge?
The glazed cake has to be stored intherefrigerator to keep it's shine. It willkeepfor two or three days before cloudying over.
Also know, how does a mirror glaze cake taste?
Mirror glaze is made from sweetenedcondensedmilk, a little chocolate, water and gelatin andsometimesflavorings and colors. Mirror glaze sets because ofthegelatin but not hard. It is pretty sticky stuff.Mirrorglaze has a nice taste.
Editor: Carolyn, the short answer is yes! Manycakesfreeze very well even after being decorated. The bestway tofreeze a cake is to bake the layers as usual,letthem cool completely, and then ice them. Then clear outyourfreezer and put the iced cake on a tray in thefreezer— completely unwrapped.