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Asked by: Rongfen Arronis
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan you freeze a whole grapefruit?
Subsequently, one may also ask, how long can a whole grapefruit last?
6 weeks
Also to know is, what's the best way to store grapefruit?
Storing cut grapefruit: Once you'vepeeledor cut into a grapefruit you should refrigerateanyleftovers right away. Wrap the cut fruit tightly with plasticwrapor store in an airtight container and use it withinthree orfour days.
Freezing lemons means you'll always havefreshlemon on hand to add zip to dishes and tang to drinks.Youcan freeze lemon wedges or slices, lemonzest,lemon juice, or whole lemons. To freezewholelemons, place them in freezer bags, removing as much airaspossible before sealing. Use whole frozen lemonsforjuicing.