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Asked by: Branimir Mcnulty
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you freeze chicken salad with Miracle Whip?
Likewise, people ask, can you freeze chicken salad?
When making chicken salad, don't use mayonnaise if you are planning to freeze it. Instead, choose a whipped salad dressing, sandwich spread or mayonnaise substitute that does not separate after freezing. Store the chicken salad in the freezer for up to three months.
Subsequently, one may also ask, can I freeze Miracle Whip?
With so many dishes calling for mayonnaise, it would be handy if this ingredient could freeze, but unfortunately the answer is no. However, Miracle Whip can be frozen when you are able to substitute Miracle Whip for mayonnaise, such as in our Freezeable Ham Sandwiches.
ANSWER: Yes, especially if the mayonnaise was commercially processed meaning that it was pasteurized which will add to its storage life. If you are going to freeze something as perishable as chicken or turkey salad, keep food safety in mind.