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Asked by: Holli Rechenmacher
business and finance gasoline pricesCan you freeze used vegetable oil?
Also asked, is vegetable oil still good if it freezes?
Unopened cooking oil should be stored in atightlysealed container, and kept in a cool, dark place.Freezingcooking oil to extend its shelf life is notrecommended.Freezing will not extend the shelf life, andwill onlyserve to speed up the spoiling process once theoilthaws.
Then, what is the freezing point of vegetable oil?
Vegetable oil contains a mixture ofmolecules,with different shapes which makes it hard for theoil tocreate crystals and solidify as ice for example. Butcooling downthe oil will make it more viscous. I would saythatvegetable oil freezing point is around 0degreesCelsius.
“You can definitely use fryer oilanumber of times,” Souza says. “Make sureyoustrain it, put it into a sealed container,and throwit in the freezer.”