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Asked by: Maruxa El Ghoufairi
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you freeze white cream sauce?
Similarly, it is asked, can you freeze cream sauce?
Although freezing cream based soups and sauces won't hurt you health-wise, they can change texture and this will affect the flavour when reheated. The problem is that dairy products tend to split when frozen and end up grainy and unpleasant on the palate.
Also question is, can you freeze white sauce with cheese?
Cream cheese and cottage cheese do not freeze well. Cheese sauce will also freeze, at least the kind made from a roux and with a decent amount of fat in it. Some people freeze it in ice cube trays, then store the frozen chunks in a plastic bag. It may separate on thawing, but you can whisk it into shape.
Using Frozen Heavy Cream Frozen heavy cream will still whip and do everything else that you want it to. In fact, cold cream actually whips better. If you're planning to use your heavy cream in a hot dish, just add it directly to the recipe. There's no need to thaw it out first.