Asked by: Anahit Carrondo
healthy living childrens health

Can you get a mild case of shingles?

Depending on where shingles develops, it could also cause symptoms like hiccups or even loss of vision. For some people, the symptoms of shingles are mild. They might just have some itching.

Thereof, what can be mistaken for shingles?

Shingles can sometimes be mistaken for another skin conditions, such as hives, psoriasis, or eczema. The shingles rash also tends to clear up in a few weeks. Rashes due to eczema and psoriasis may last longer. A shingles rash is also usually a lot more painful than other rashes.

Similarly, can you get shingles more than once? The immune system keeps the virus in check, but later in life it can be reactivated and cause shingles. It's possible to have shingles more than once, but it's very rare to get it more than twice. old age – as you age, your immunity may decrease, and shingles most commonly occurs in people over 70 years old.

Beside this, what does shingles look like in the beginning?

After about 1 to 5 days, a shingles rash will appear on one side of the body, often in a single characteristic band around one side of the torso or face. The painful rash will then form itchy or burning blister-like sores filled with a clear fluid. The blisters will scab over in 7 to 10 days.

Can shingles be painless?

The shingles rash usually affects a single dermatome in a unilateral band-like pattern and sometimes extends past the midline (Figure 1). More rarely the rash can occur in multiple adjacent dermatomes. Pain almost always accompanies the rash, but in rare cases the rash may be painless; this is more likely in children.

Related Question Answers

Davida Wiegreffe


Can you sleep with someone with shingles?

Yes, people with shingles are contagious. Shingles are caused by the chickenpox virus which has been dormant (staying quiet) in your body ever since you had chickenpox. So, you get shingles from your own chickenpox virus, not from someone else."

Marcene Bereijo


What does mild shingles look like?

Shingles follows a pattern: The first sign is often burning or tingling pain; sometimes, it includes numbness or itching on one side of the body. Somewhere between 1 and 5 days after the tingling or burning feeling on the skin, a red rash will appear. A few days later, the rash will turn into fluid-filled blisters.

Aleta Bird


How long should you stay home with shingles?

If the blisters are located on the face, you should not go back to work until they have crusted over (usually within 7 to 10 days). If the blisters are located in an area you can cover with bandages or clothing you may get back to work as soon as you feel well enough to do so.

Vico Mocorrea


How do they test for shingles?

Doctors use two types of tests to diagnose chickenpox or shingles: Antibody: When you're exposed to varicella zoster, your immune system makes proteins to fight it. Your doctor can look for these proteins, called antibodies, in a sample of your blood. Your symptoms and test results will show whether you have shingles.

Mansour Chekin


Will shingles go away if left untreated?

Shingles, or herpes zoster, usually clears up in 2 to 4 weeks. However, as the infection can spread to other organs, it may lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications if left untreated.

Hady Waldbrunn


Can you catch shingles from someone?

Shingles cannot be passed from one person to another. The virus that causes shingles, varicella zoster virus (VZV) can spread from a person with active shingles and cause chickenpox in someone who had never had chickenpox or received chickenpox vaccine.

Young Barenys


What do shingles spots look like?

The most common symptom of shingles is a painful rash that usually appears on one side of the body. The rash may start as red patches but changes over time and develops into fluid-filled blisters. These blisters may ooze. After about 7 to 10 days, the blisters may crust or scab.

Antoine Weisener


Is shingles a sign of something else?

The shingles virus causes an outbreak of a red rash and blisters across the face and body, like many other skin conditions — psoriasis, allergies, eczema, and hives among them. A shingles rash may have mild to severe pain, and the viral rash most commonly appears along a band called a dermatome.

Neyzan Detsch


Where do shingles start?

Although shingles can occur anywhere on your body, it most often appears as a single stripe of blisters that wraps around either the left or the right side of your torso. Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus — the same virus that causes chickenpox.

Joritz Marshal


Is shingles caused by stress?

Stress doesn't technically cause shingles, but it can cause your immune system to weaken — and a weakened immune system can put you at risk for shingles. A viral illness, shingles is caused by varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox.

Michela Idarraga


What triggers a shingles outbreak?

Shingles is caused by reactivation of the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. Older adults and individuals with a weakened immune system are at greatest risk for developing shingles.

Stoyanov Bakali


How long are you contagious with shingles?

The individual is contagious and can spread the virus when blisters are forming and until all of the blisters have crusted over. The rash may heal in about two to four weeks, and some skin areas may scar.

Dembo Feldhusen


How does shingles make you feel?

The first sign of shingles, which is also called herpes zoster, is pain that might feel like burning or tingling on one side of your face, chest, back, or waist. It can be intense.

You might also feel like you're coming down with the flu, with symptoms such as:
  • Fever.
  • Chills.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.

Anthony Ellacuriaga


Are shingles and cold sores the same?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus and shingles is caused by the herpes zoster virus (the same virus that causes chicken pox). Once you are exposed to these herpes viruses, they can remain dormant, usually along the nerves, for many years until your system is weakened by stress or lack of sleep.

Pastora Drozdetsky


Can you have shingles under your arm?

Shingles is a skin-related condition that can cause armpit pain. It's an infection spread by the varicella-zoster virus. Shingles causes a scaly, uncomfortable rash that usually appears on your back, chest, or under your arms.

Lynna Catalino


Can you go near someone with shingles when pregnant?

If you're pregnant and you already had chickenpox, you and your baby are safe from exposure to anyone with chickenpox or shingles. You can, however, develop shingles during your pregnancy if you had chickenpox as a child. If that's the case, you and your baby shouldn't be at risk for the disease.

Xiaopeng Zapata


Can a child with shingles go to school?

Shingles treatment
Children with shingles usually just need treatment to relieve symptoms like pain and itch. If your child's shingles rash is completely covered, he can go to school but he shouldn't swim or play contact sports for seven days after the rash appears.

Mirella Novali


Should I go to work if I have shingles?

However, you can spread the varicella-zoster virus from the time that your symptoms start until your rash and blisters have crusted dry. If you have shingles and are otherwise healthy, you can still go out in public or to work. But you should be sure to follow these tips: Keep the shingles rash clean and covered.

Sinforoso Oveja


Should you get the shingles vaccine after having shingles?

If you had shingles in the past, you can get Shingrix to help prevent future occurrences of the disease. There is no specific length of time that you need to wait after having shingles before you can receive Shingrix, but generally you should make sure the shingles rash has gone away before getting vaccinated.