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Asked by: Darejan Neketa
family and relationships parenting teensCan you get a misdemeanor off your record in Michigan?
Likewise, people ask, how long does a misdemeanor stay on your record in Michigan?
A conviction, whether it is a misdemeanororfelony, will stay on your record forever unless youtakesteps to expunge it. Eight years is not that longago.Unless the court staff failed to input your conviction,itis likely to show up on a records check.
Moreover, can you get a misdemeanor expunged in Michigan?
Under Michigan law a person that hasbeenconvicted of a crime may apply to have one felony ortwomisdemeanor convictions expunged from theirrecord.If you are able to answer "no" to all of thefollowing sevenquestions may be eligible to have your adultcriminal convictionset aside and made nonpublic.
Background Check Limits While you will still have a felony onyourrecord in any state some states will not allow employersto goback more than seven years. We consider those states to be themostfelon friendly states to live in. Here arethelaws.