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Asked by: Benilde Mazzini
personal finance credit cardsCan you get a title loan on a car that is not paid off?
Can you get a title loan on a car that is notpaidoff? Even if you are still financingyourvehicle, you could be eligible for a sizeableamountof cash with a car title loan. If you haveavehicle loan and your car is not yetpaidoff, there is no need to worry.
Also know, what will happen if you don't pay a title loan back?
If you can't pay off the loan inthetypical 30-day period, the lender may offer to“rollover” the loan into a new loan.If you don'tpay what you owe, the lender may decidetorepossess your vehicle.
Moreover, how long do you have to pay off a title loan?
30 to 90 days
It's not illegal to sell a vehicle with a lienonit, as long as the sale allows you to pay off the loanandtransfer the title to the new owner. Remember, if youstillowe on a vehicle, the lender owns the car and,inmost states, holds the title. Many states make it illegaltosell a vehicle without a title.