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Asked by: Shanel Hereza
business and finance government businessCan you get bailed out of jail after sentencing?
Similarly, it is asked, can a person get bail after sentencing?
Getting bail after conviction in a criminalcase.If the sentence is more than 3 years, in that casethebail can be granted by the appellate court only. So,itshould be possible for your friend, who is convicted of anoffenceunder Section 326 of the IPC to get bail aftertheconviction.
Also question is, how long does it take to get out of jail after posting bail?
A: Anywhere from 2-6 hours. With great certainty, though, we can say thatmostdefendants are released within 2-6 hours of postingbondfrom the Austin jail or Georgetown jail. AtFreedomBail Bonds, we feel that it is our responsibility tokeepour clients and community educated about the bailbondprocess.
After the initial court appearancewhenthe bail is set, the bail will usually beposted andthe defendant will be released from jail. At that initialcourtarraignment, the court will set another follow-up date foraconference or for a hearing.