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Asked by: Zakariaa Grudziesk
business and finance green solutionsCan you get out of an electricity contract?
Also know, how do I get out of SFE energy contract?
You may rescind this authorization at any timebyproviding written notice to SFE or by calling SFEat1-866-255-3844. SFE reserves the right to canceltheAgreement(s) in the event You rescindtheauthorization.
Thereof, does Constellation Energy have a cancellation fee?
Constellation waives such terminationfeeif it takes place during the period of time you are payingunderthe Variable Monthly Price as defined above. Uponanytermination of this Contract, you will return toreceivingstandard offer service from the Utility unless youhaveselected another electric power supplier.
The switch-over process can take up to21days. In most cases, it's around 17 days. If you changeyourmind, you have 14 days to cancel from thedateyou agree a contract. You must contact thesupplierto cancel any contract.