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Asked by: Yulianna Witzki
medical health lung and respiratory healthCan you get oxygen over the counter?
Subsequently, one may also ask, is oxygen available over the counter?
Canned oxygen is designed for recreational useand is not approved for medical use, which is why it isavailable over the counter without a prescription. The FDAregulates these oxygen sources and evaluates all medicalclaims, helping to ensure that the product you receive is safe formedical use.
Secondly, how much does a can of oxygen cost?
On average, canned oxygen costs just under$50 a unit – a cost that would exceed $1,160per day if you relied on it for constant use, and more than$426,000 a year.
To purchase an oxygen concentrator, you doneed a prescription from your doctor, stating youroxygen level. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)makes the rules about prescription sales, and at this time,oxygen concentrators are one of the medical devicesfor which the FDA requires a prescription.