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Asked by: Ayoube Middelhaufe
hobbies and interests woodworkingCan you get plywood cut at Home Depot?
Consequently, can Home Depot cut my plywood?
Your local Home Depot store that has anoperating panel saw should be able to cut the plywood downin the size you requested, but the store willcharge you for additional cuts after 2 of them.
Moreover, can I cut my wood at Home Depot?
Wood cutting Don't leave without visiting the store's woodcutting area. Whether you're a seasoned carpenter or working ona DIY project, a trained Home Depot associate can cutall different sizes of wood planks and boards, free ofcharge.
Lowe's can but there are some differences betweeneach store. Some will charge after the 3rd cut. Themain purpose of that saw is to cut lumber so that youcan fit it in your car, not to do the bulk of yourproject up for you.