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Asked by: Nandi Villadoniga
technology and computing browsersCan you get Scrivener on Chromebook?
Subsequently, one may also ask, can you install Dropbox on a Chromebook?
You can always access Dropbox via the Webon a Chromebook, but a better way is to use a Chromeextension that integrates Dropbox into Chrome OS,putting it right alongside Google Drive. To do so,you will need to install the File System forDropbox extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Then, can I save documents on Chromebook?
You can open and save many types of fileson your Chromebook, like documents, PDFs, images, andmedia. Learn which types of files are supported on yourChromebook. Your Chromebook's hard drive has limitedspace, so your Chromebook will sometimes delete downloadedfiles to free up space.
Choose what information to sync
- At the bottom right, select the time.
- Select Settings .
- In the "People" section, select Sync.
- Choose what you'd like to sync.
- Optional: Under "Encryption options," you can encrypt yoursynced data with a passphrase.