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Asked by: Glenn Wohlers
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you get sick from undercooked cake?
Similarly, what do you do when a cake is not cooked inside?
If your cake is cooked around the outsidebut not in the inside then pop it back into theoven and cover tightly in tin foil. The tin foil will trapthe heat and help to cook the inside of yourcake. Bake for another 10-15 mins checking after 5-7 mins tomake sure it's working.
Hereof, can undercooked muffins make you sick?
If you see mushy, uncooked portions in themuffins, put them back in the tins. Becauseundercooked muffins contain raw eggs, rebake themwithin 2 hours. After that, bacteria in the raw eggs may begin togrow, potentially causing foodborne illness.
1 Answer. Undercooked cookies are still edible,don't toss them! Some people prefer chocolate chipcookies underdone, but you can't know for sure thatthe egg has fully cooked (although that wouldn't bother me one bitunless the source was shaky).