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Asked by: Renna Meli
healthy living running and joggingCan you go from pear shaped to hourglass?
Likewise, people ask, what is the difference between hourglass and pear shaped?
Hourglass. If your hips and bust are nearlyequalin size and you have a well-defined waist that'snarrowerthan both, you have an hourglass shape. Your legsand upperbody are probably considered proportionate. Your shouldersmay beslightly rounded, and you most likely have aroundedbuttocks.
Subsequently, one may also ask, is it possible to get an hourglass figure?
A perfect hourglass figure may be hard toachieveand, in reality, it's a body shape that few peoplehavenaturally. Although there are ways to trim inches from yourwaistand tone your muscles in the right places, it's important toberealistic and remember that your measurements don'tdefineyou.
Best 10 Exercises For A Pear Shaped Body
- Step Up with Knee Lift and Bicep Curl: Image:shutterstock.
- Push Up With Leg Lift On Stability Ball:Image:shutterstock.
- Donkey Kick:
- Woodchopper Squat:
- Lunge with Triceps Extension:
- Reverse Table Top with Leg Lift:
- Squat with Shoulder Pendulum:
- Mountain Climber: