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Asked by: Willians Wilkop
technology and computing programming languagesCan you go to college for coding?
Likewise, do you need to go to college for coding?
While some employers only require an associate degree,the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that most company recruitersprefer applicants who have graduated from a four-yearcollege. However, a two-year computer programmingdegree is useful for students who need to attend a communitycollege for financial reasons.
- Go 100% all-in.
- Get your code reviewed.
- Start a side project.
- Go the extra mile.
- Never pretend to know things that you don't.
- Pair program with someone more experienced than you.
- Start honing your developer brand.
- Write technical blog posts about coding concepts.
Accordingly, what should I major in for coding?
- Computer Graphics.
- Computer Programming.
- Computer Programming, Specific Applications.
- Computer Programming, Vendor/Product Certification.
- Computer Science.
- Computer Software and Media Applications.
- Computer Systems Analysis.
- Computer Systems Analysis/Analyst.
A computer programmer, sometimes called morerecently a coder (especially in more informal contexts), isa person who creates computer software. The term computerprogrammer can refer to a specialist in one area of computers, orto a generalist who writes code for many kinds ofsoftware.