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Asked by: Emilia Villafruela
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you grill on a frying pan?
Regarding this, can you use a frying pan on a grill?
Cooking with pots on a gas grill is nodifferentthan cooking with pots on a gas top stove. Cast iron isthe besttype of pot or pan to use on agasgrill. Make sure that there is no plastic evident, thatthepan is not made of Teflon and that it has no typeofenameling or the pot will get ruined on thegasgrill.
Similarly, you may ask, is cooking in a frying pan healthy?
First, most foods are healthy for youinmoderation. That goes for fried foods, sweets, etc.Panfrying is submerging the food half way in hotoil,cooking one side and then turning it to cook ontheother side. Sautéing is using very small amounts of oilorother fat to gently cook the food directly overtheheat.
To use a grill pan, preheat itovermedium-high heat for 5 minutes before cooking on it, whichwillallow the entire surface of the pan to get hot. Whilethepan is heating up, brush oil onto thefoodyou'll be cooking. Avoid putting oil directly inthegrill pan since it could burn and ruin the flavor ofyourfood.