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Asked by: Cherie Stuerzebecher
home and garden landscapingCan you grow climbing hydrangea from cuttings?
Also know, how do I propagate climbing hydrangea?
Press your climbing hydrangea cutting into the soft soil, pressing the leaf nodes into the soil approximately a quarter-inch. Cover each leaf node with soil and keep the soil damp but not soggy. There is no need to remove the leaves at the buried leaf nodes unless you wish to. Watch for new growth.
Keeping this in view, can you root hydrangea cuttings in water?
Rooting Hydrangea Cuttings in Water. Prepare your hydrangea cutting by removing excess leaves from the stem. Cut a stem at least 4-5 inches long that doesn't have any flowers or buds on it.
Hydrangea cuttings can take some time to root, so don't be tempted to check for roots until new shoots and some top growth appears, usually after about 4 to 8 weeks. Once they have rooted well give them a regular feed with a general purpose liquid fertiliser.