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Asked by: Teresina Reither
hobbies and interests musical instrumentsCan you grow persimmons in Washington state?
Consequently, how long does it take for a persimmon tree to bear fruit?
Oriental persimmons bloom after five years but do not bear fruit until after seven years. Grafted trees bloom within two to three years. American persimmon may take several years to blossom and still not fruit for up to 10 years. Both American and Oriental persimmons have alternate year blooming and fruiting.
Herein, can persimmon tree grow in the Philippines?
Persimmon is not grown in the Philippines, where I grew up, but there is a native species of Diospyros whose fruit I ate as a child. Called Diospyros discolor, it is a beautiful tree which grows to a height of 10m, with drooping branches.
If you are interested in growing persimmons, choose a sunny spot that drains well. Because persimmons have very deep taproots, be sure to dig a deep hole. Mix 8 inches of soil and loam in the bottom of the planting hole, then fill the hole with loam and native soil.