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Asked by: Lashawna Rob
style and fashion natural and organic beautyCan you grow sunflowers in containers?
Similarly, how long do potted sunflowers last?
The most important potted sunflower cultivars are 'Big Smile', 'Elf', 'Pacino', 'Sundance Kid', 'Sunspot' and 'Teddy Bear'. Typically, the best results were obtained with Pacino, Elf and Teddy Bear, which have an acceptable height, proper balance between foliage and flower, and a postharvest life of 10 days or more.
Moreover, can you grow a sunflower from a sunflower seed?
Select a sunflower variety. It is not possible to grow plants from roasted sunflower seeds, but you can grow it from sunflowers in bird seed, as long as the outer shell is present.
Water the sunflowers when the top 1 inch of soil feels dry. In hot weather the plants may require once- or twice-daily watering, so feel the soil at least once daily. The soil is moistened thoroughly when excess water begins to drip from the bottom of the pot. Empty the drip tray after each watering.