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Asked by: Roumen Derzhavin
food and drink non alcoholic beveragesCan you grow your own coffee beans?
In respect to this, can you grow coffee beans at home?
When growing coffee plants, the soil needs tostaymoist, but not soaking wet. Many people wonder if theywillactually be able to harvest coffee beans whengrowingcoffee plants. If the coffee plant isgrownin ideal conditions indoors, it will eventuallyflower whenit matures, which can take three to fiveyears.
Just so, where can you grow coffee?
Varietals are generally known by the region in whichtheyare grown, such as Colombian, Java and Kona.Arabicacoffee beans are cultivated mainly in Latin America,easternAfrica or Asia, while robusta beans are grown incentralAfrica, throughout southeast Asia, and Brazil.
Coffea arabica is the most common species of thepopularbeverage many people enjoy. If you live in USDAclimate zone7 or higher (Arkansas and Georgia to Florida andHawaii'scooler mountainous regions), you might try your handatgrowing coffee beans.