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Asked by: Vianey Feldinger
music and audio tv and film podcastsCan you have 2 iTunes on one computer?
Also, can you have two iTunes accounts on one computer?
A computer can have multiple iTunes librariesandaccounts associated with it, allowing each iPod deviceownerto have an individual library. Adding a secondiTuneslibrary to a computer takes just a few moments.Householdswith multiple iPod users can benefit fromhavingtwo iTunes accounts on thesamecomputer.
- Click the Start menu.
- Click on the iTunes folder under in the program list.
- Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard.
- Click iTunes from the All Programs menu.
- Let go of the Shift key.
- Click Create Library
- Choose where you want your library to be located.
- Name your iTunes library.
Also to know, how do I open a second iTunes account on my computer?
You can have multiple libraries in asingleaccount. To create or access a second (ormore)library, hold down the Shift key in Windows whenlaunchingiTunes. In the resulting dialogue you willgetthe option to create a new library or navigate totheother Library.
The answer is 5! iTunes has a limit of 5devicesper registered account.