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Asked by: Lirio Corga
food and drink food allergiesCan you have an allergic reaction to a cat scratch?
Regarding this, what does a cat allergy look like?
hives or a rash on the chest and face. red, itchy eyes.redness of the skin where a cat has scratched, bitten, orlicked you. runny, itchy, stuffy nose.
Also question is, how long does an allergic reaction to cats last?
In some cat-allergic people, thereaction happens almost instantaneously. Others mayexperience an extended delay (between 4-8 hours) between exposureand reaction. The duration of symptoms may be anywhere froma few minutes to persistence of much longer periods.
When people who have dermatographia lightlyscratch their skin, the scratches redden intoa raised wheal similar to hives. The cause of dermatographia isunknown, but it can be triggered in some people by infections,emotional upset or medications such as penicillin.