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Asked by: Madlen Buyo
sports canoeing and kayakingCan you have dual citizenship in the US and Switzerland?
People also ask, can I have dual citizenship in the US and Vietnam?
If I apply for dual citizenship withVietnam, do I have to renounce my U.S.citizenship? U.S. law does not mention dualnationality or require a person to choose onecitizenship or another. Also, a person who is automaticallygranted another citizenship does not risk losing U.S.citizenship.
Also asked, what countries can you have dual citizenship with us?
Under current US law however, American citizenscan hold dual nationality with anothercountry.
Countries which permit dual citizenship
- Australia.
- Barbados.
- Belgium.
- Bangladesh.
- Canada.
- Czech Republic.
- Cyprus.
- Denmark.
Swiss citizenship via marriage orparents You can apply for a fast-track (known as simplified orfacilitated) naturalisation if you have been married to aSwiss citizen for three years and lived in Switzerland for atotal of five years, provided your partner has lived in Switzerlandfor one year.