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Asked by: Sandel Pinsch
style and fashion mens formal wearCan you have your hands in your pockets in the Navy?
Also asked, can you have your hands in your pockets in the army?
Army Regulation 670-1, “Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia,” states “While in uniform, personnel will not place their hands in their pockets, except momentarily to place or retrieve objects.” But screw all that.
Similarly one may ask, why can't you have your hands in your pockets in the military?
Your posture is often more relaxed, when your hands are in your pockets. In the military posture can affect how people view you. When your hands are free you present a more ready posture to attack, rather than being relaxed.
Chewing gum in uniform. Training command CPO answer: not authorized, ever, for any reason. Uniforms and components shall be worn as described in these regulations. Navy personnel must present a proud and professional appearance that will reflect positively on the individual, the Navy and the United States.