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Asked by: Xuyan Llerandi
food and drink barbecues and grillingCan you heat your whole house with a pellet stove?
Heating the whole house
Just like a gas furnace distributesheatto all areas of your home, you can do thesame with awood pellet furnace, and it's a great wayto reduceheating costs. Units like the Magnum 6500 canheatany house up to 3,500 square feet and canbeconnected to existing ducting systems.
Accordingly, how much does it cost to heat a house with a pellet stove?
Pellet stoves have heating capacitiesthatrange between 8,000 and 90,000 Btu per hour. They are suitableforhomes as well as apartments or condominiums. Mostpelletstoves cost between $1,700 and $3,000.
Similarly, it is asked, how does a pellet stove heat your house?
Pellet Stoves: How They Work Pellets are automatically fed from astoragehopper into a burn pot, creating a constant flame that needsnotending. Heat-exchange tubes: Send air heated byfireinto room. Convection fan: Circulates airthroughheat-exchange tubes andintoroom.
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