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Asked by: Eloina Cambre
home and garden home appliancesCan you install a pet door in a steel door?
But wait, can you even install a pet door inametal door? The answer is yes, you can! Comparedtowooden doors, metal ones might seem like amuchharder project. Cutting a metal door might be scary,butwith the right tools and confidence, you candoit.
People also ask, can you put a pet door in a steel door?
The bottom of the pet door should be at least3inches from the bottom of the steel door. Change your bittoa screw-sized bit and drill the screw holes marked onthedoor. Insert a jigsaw with the blade designed tocutsteel into one of the corner holes. Cut ontheoutline for the entire perimeter of thepetdoor.
In this regard, how do you install a pet door in a door?
- Measure and mark your pet's shoulder height on the door.
- Remove the door from its hinges and place it on alevelsurface.
- Cut out the correct template size.
- Drill holes inside the corners.
- Check the fit by placing the frame with the flap insidethecutout.
- Hang the door back up and begin training your pet.
When installed a pet door into apanelsurface door, you will need tocaulk aroundthe perimeter of the frame to fill in any gaps.The toolsyou will use for installing a pet door areprettybasic.