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Also question is, can we use join in view in SQL?
Answer: A VIEW in SQL is created byjoining one or more tables. When you update record(s) in aview, it updates the records in the underlying tables thatmake up the SQL View. So, yes, you can update thedata in a SQL VIEW providing you have the proper privilegesto the underlying SQL tables.
- Find the database in Management Studio.
- In the database, click on the Views folder on the left(officially called the Object Explorer) which should show you alist of the views on your right.
- Select all your views.
- Right-click on the selected views and choose "Script View As"-> Create To -> New Query Window.
People also ask, can we create a view from multiple tables?
Database views are created using theCREATE VIEW statement. Views can be createdfrom a single table, multiple tables or anotherview. You can include multiple tables in yourSELECT statement in a similar way as you use them in anormal SQL SELECT query.
The simplest Join is INNER JOIN.
- INNER JOIN: The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from boththe tables as long as the condition satisfies.
- LEFT JOIN: This join returns all the rows of the table on theleft side of the join and matching rows for the table on the rightside of join.