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Asked by: Amjid Melguizo
food and drink desserts and bakingCan you keep Yorkshire puddings warm?
Keeping this in consideration, can I make Yorkshire pudding ahead of time?
To prepare ahead: The puddings can bemadecompletely ahead and reheated in a hot oven (temperatureasright) for about 8 minutes. The batter can be made up to2hours ahead. They freeze well cooked. To cook in theAGA:Slide on to the lowest set of runners in the roasting ovenforabout 20 minutes.
Also, can you store Yorkshire puddings?
You can make Yorkshire puddings aheadoftime and then freeze them until needed. Once they comeoutof the oven, allow them to cool completely on a wire rack thenpopthem into a container or a tightly sealed freezer bag,andfreeze for up to one month.
- Whisk the eggs, flour, salt, and milk together really well inabowl to make your batter.
- Turn your oven up to the highest setting, and place a 12cupmuffin tray in the oven to heat up for 5 minutes.
- Place 1 tb of oil in each muffin hole, and put the traybackinto the oven and heat until oil is very hot.