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Asked by: Yaromir Birkhofer
hobbies and interests scrapbookingCan you laminate paper with tape on it?
Also know, can you laminate with packing tape?
For a sturdier and longer-lasting fauxlaminate,use book tape, not packing tape. Booktape,available at most office supply stores, is sturdier,and made tolast, since it's primarily for mending books. It'aactually greatfor repairing many things that need to be tapedtogether with aclear, sturdy tape.
Herein, can you laminate paper with glue on it?
No glue and cut off the laminate attheedge of the paper. I thought it possible thatthelaminate glue might penetrate the paperandglue it together. No such luck, it remained as afoldedsheet. I glued the folded paper together with3MPhoto Mount spray and laminated the result.
The first way to laminate only one sideofyour project is to replace the bottom roll with kraftpaper.The kraft paper is there to ensure no adhesivegets onto theheat rolls of your laminator. So if yourtoplamination film is wider than the bottom paper,thenyou end up with a big sticky mess.