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Asked by: Antonino Mendelsberg
business and finance government businessCan you laminate your guard card?
Similarly one may ask, how do you get a guard card?
In order to get a security guard license (guard card), you must first complete a pre-licensing course, often referred to as a “guard card class”. The guard card class is 8 hours long and can be completed in one day. It is composed of two sections: Powers to Arrest and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).
Similarly one may ask, is my guard card valid?
Yes. You can contact BSIS at (916) 322-4000. How long does my guard card last? Registration is valid for two years and expires the day after the expiration date on your card.
The cost of applying for guard card courses varies on the method of application. If you choose to apply online, the fee for security guard application is $50, while the online convenience fee is $1. Fingerprints must be submitted using LiveScan, and it costs $32 for the Department of Justice, while the FBI charges $19.